Requests for shared accommodation increase by 4% each year
Price : 269 € + 2 free weeks
After your 2 free weeks, your subscription will cost 269 euros for 6 months if you opt for half-yearly payment.
Cancel at any time. We will send you a reminder 7 days before the end of your trial.
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Benefit of a database of scorred and qualified profiles
Save time by finding the right profiles for all your shared accommodation!
Included in the PREMIUM offer :
50 new flatmate profiles per month
Discover ALL the profiles of applicants who have matched your accommodation
Unlimited browsing of profiles
Get the score of the candidates' rental files
Discover their personality and character (% compatibility)
Real-time alerts on profiles applying for your accommodation
Contact selected profiles
Moderate your applicants
Highlight properties on the mobile application
Personalised support: an appointment with an agent every 2 months to assess your needs and optimise your search

Functionalities included
Register at
Create your profile
Access to the dashboard
Unrestricted browsing of the platform
Create and publish your flat-sharing adverts
Manage the distribution of your flats and rooms
View applicants and details of their profiles
Select and validate applications
Access to instant messaging
Manage your tenants by accommodation